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Trinity searches for an Organist/Choirmaster

After prayerful discernment, the Music Ministry Discernment Team, turned Search Committee, releases the job description for our new Organist/Choirmaster.


For a copy of this description and to apply contact


We ask your prayers during this exciting time, that a joyful musician will answer God’s call to be with us.


A Prayer for the Search for our Organist/Choirmaster


Dear God, you give us the wonderful blessing of music, so that we might have an amazing music ministry. We pray that you bless us with a talented musician who can lead our parish to a closer connection with you. Amen.


           ~ William Gill, Music Ministry Discernment Team


We give great thanks for the work and ministry of the discernment team: William Gill, Carmen Kearley, Janet Nodar, Rita and Bill Treutel, and David Quittmeyer. They engaged us in ongoing conversations about how God is calling us to expand our music offerings on Sundays as well as other times. They have helped us identify musical talent in our midst as we continue to dream of concerts, youth choirs, and more! Let us make a joyful noise to the Lord!

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